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Asked interactions with prednisone & xarelto, surprised no increased risk of bleeding on your site!?


dakmaknk 24 Feb 2015

I take prednisone on and off all the time for my COPD. and I also takes xarelto for my afib and DVT. this combination is also given to me when I have to go to the hospital. the only reaction I have is from the prednisone which does make you nauseous. otherwise it works for me. no reactions.

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Sitie 25 Sep 2016

Hi there my mom has a massive allergy to Xarelto and coumadin . she gets accute urticaria and has had a watchman placed in her heart in order to wean her off blood thinners. It bother me that her Dr gave her only 5 mg orednisone for 5 days. I give my time poodle 5 mg for his condition surely it's not enough? May I be so forward as to ask you your prednisone dosage. Would appreciate so much. Then I can show her. She only believes in her Dr and it breaks my heart. Thank you sincerely. Also has fibrillation. I wish you well

kaismama 24 Feb 2015

The manufacturer doesn't seem to think its a problem. Its not in their list of medications to be careful with. The interaction checker here is not run by and has a disclaimer if you read it you'd know that. I have checked 2 other interaction checkers and the manufacturers web site and cannot find anything about prednisone and xarelto. Xarelto alone has an increased risk of bleeding.

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prednisone, interaction, xarelto, bleeding

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