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Does anyone take Viibryd? When do you take it morning or night?


Rathmullan 2 Jan 2022

Hello Step:

As WCV stated, the time of day that you take it may depend on your schedule and your particular sensitivity to Viibryd - if any.

I currently take 20 mg. I find it slightly "activating" so I take it in the morning. There were periods of time when I took the medication at higher dosages (30 and even 40 mg). At those higher doses I felt a more pronounced anxiolytic effect but still chose to take it in the morning as it never made me fee drowsy - just a little mellow.

Just remember that, whatever time of day or night you take Viibryd, it must be taken with some food in order to get the most benefit.

Take care for now and all the best.

Votes: +1
Step67 7 Jan 2022

Thank you!! I am always scared to start new medication. I am going give this a try and hope for the best

WildcatVet 2 Jan 2022

Hi, Steph!
It depends on how you respond to the medication. Some people experience insomnia but others feel/sedation/sleepiness:
"Common (1% to 10% of users): Sedation, somnolence"
"Common (1% to 10% of users): Insomnia, restlessness"
Most people have no side effects but you'll have to see what works best for you if you do.

Votes: +1
Step67 7 Jan 2022

Thank you!! free discount card

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