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Does anyone use trazodone occassionally for sleeping?


WildcatVet 30 March 2021

Hi, Chequie!
Trazodone doesn't need to be taken every night for it to be effective for sleep as it does for depression so it's great to be used occasionally on bad nights. Using it occasionally will also help to keep you from becoming accustomed to the drug in your system.
Drowsiness is one of the very most common side effects of trazodone... in this case a beneficial one.

Votes: +1
Chequie 30 March 2021

Thank you so much!

smileyhappy 30 March 2021

Hi there
I used to use it when i had a major depression and could not sleep. Then when i felt better i cut my amount by 25mgs for a week till off. Now i use melatonin but i have trazodone if needed. It works great for me!


Votes: +1
Chequie 30 March 2021

Thank you so much

Chequie 10 May 2021

Thank you for your response. How do you wean off your trazodone? free discount card

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trazodone, sleeping

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