I am a 59 year old female, & I've been taking 60mg of Vyvanse (for BED) for approx. one year. It helps tremendously during the day; however, when it wears off (at nighttime - my most challenging time), I struggle with overeating/snacking on sweets. I usually take my vyvanse at 8:00 AM. If I take it any later, I'm up all night. Actually, I'm up pretty late regardless, ever since starting the vyvanse. I just wondered if anyone else struggled with this. I also wondered if anyone had any tips/tools for dealing with nighttime binging (or at least, overeating). I've had BED since I was around 12; with periods of starving, laxative/diuretic abuse. I've been under & over weight - usually over, but I understand both ends of the spectrum. I was in a 12-step group w/ a strict food plan for over 20 years. I binged a lot though, esp. if I didn't follow the s/w/f-free food plan perfectly. Vyvanse has offered me the first period of respite in a long time. I don't binge as "hard" or as often. But, I'm noticing more struggle
& difficulty avoiding overeating my old binge foods at night. If there's anyone else out there like me, I'd love to hear your story & how you cope. Thanks. Glad I found this group. :)