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Has anyone tried Solco generic Klonopin and if so what do you think compared to TEVA?

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zelda2019 17 Nov 2018

I switched to Solco after a couple months on the Actavis formula (Teva bought Actavis, discontinued the Teva formula which worked great for me and then started using the Actavis formula). Solco is working much better for me than the Actavis formula. I could feel the difference in the first two days. I'd give it a shot, I had to switch to a local independent pharmacy to get it as my name brand pharmacy only had the Actavis version.

Votes: +1
MuseMyself 20 Jan 2019

I thought actavis was working well when, I first switched from accord. Then, I began having side effects I haven’t ever experienced even though, I would have slight withdrawal from switching from Teva to accord. I tried every generic my doctor switched me right away to diazepam manufactured by Teva but, it’s not the same. I’m on a dose I haven’t ever been on. I spoke to Teva about it but, they answered more to my other question about if, it’s their formula used for the clonazepam ODT they answered yes. They didn’t talk much about their diazepam. All the pharmaceutical companies are buying one another out. Most of the generic companies are manufactured in the same places as one gets recalled it becomes a domino effect if you have ever noticed. It’s also public knowledge where and who manufactures and packages what. It really stinks that insurance company’s are denying brand requests.


The FDA regulations are the true issue in all generics medication not just benzodiazepines.
Too many people are complaining about all different generic medications with constant recalls.

Gsparks6701 5 July 2019

Solco works until you get a batch that doesn't. They are made in China, so they can be 20% above the mg or 20% below. You never know what you're getting. It through me into acute withdrawal. I've had to up my doses ever since they got rid of Teva. I'm on name brand now.

spencerdoug 31 Oct 2018

Yes. I've been using the solco generic brand for Klonopin for almost a month and I'm having panic attacks Around the Clock! Especially at night I'm waking up in Terror, which I never did since I started taking Klonopin in 1983. I also started getting Teva as a generic when it was first introduced and it worked fine. Now I have to deal with the pharmacist and my doctor, who will say it's in my head, which we know this situation is real. So in response to your question yeah I'm getting your brand and it sucks!

Votes: +2
blue-sky 24 Dec 2018

The Solco generic brand is terrible. I refuse to take it again.

MuseMyself 24 March 2019

It definitely not it your head. The FDA allows 20% above or below how a drug compares to the brand so, if your on a generic that is 20% above and switched to another generic 20% below that is a 40% difference. A lot of generic manufacturers changed the country/s where they are manufactured as well use the same companies. The FDA is more lax with established companies.

drewbullett 11 Oct 2019

Your doctor is very aware that’s generics are weaker and are approved to be less potent and with more side affects. And you’re pharmacist is aware as well. Now, do they wanna deal with it at the pharmacy? Prob not find you a mom & pops or independent owned pharmacy who can order generics for you. My doctor told me right off the bat he doesn’t use Walmart & etc they buy the cheapest meds available and are least affective! My doctor told me the truth about generics! If they don’t wanna help then find someone who will I would change pharmacy that’s exactly what I did!

fingers49 18 Aug 2020

I also have been switched to generic Solco and it is terrible. It does absolutely nothing to reduce anxiety and does nothing to help with insomnia. Feels like the active ingredient is just not there and is ineffective. Will speak to pharmacist and get other recommendations for alternative manufacturers. Unfortunately Teva does not manufacture Klonopin any more. free discount card

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