I started Strattera July 20, 2022 and I felt AWFUL!!! I was so depressed and irritable and throwing stuff around my apartment and my boyfriend was so scared! It was so unlike me! I am so usually chill! I am also on 150 mg of Wellbutrin and 100 mg Topamax. I took it for 3 days and stopped because I couldn't take it anymore... I slept all day and was up all night and felt like my skin was crawling and I was PMSing times 1000... my doctor told me to give it another chance on August 10th, so I did... It was worse!!! After just two hours I felt so depressed it was awful... I felt like I was going to pass out. I am uusually very bubbly but I was like a zombie..my family was wondering what was wrong. I am in recovery and for the first time in a while I wanted to use... and wanted to smoke... am I allergic??? I tried again the next day and it was worse... I had suicidal thoughts... it was the worse thing... it happened so suddenly. I didn't sleep or eat at all. I stopped again yesterday. It is now the 13th and I am still feeling the effects... what is wrong with me?