I've been recently prescribed the medication Invega which is an antipsychotic that helps with my psychosis/schizophrenia. I have been on this medication for the 2nd time for 3 weeks..I am also on a antidepressant medication Effexor 225mg which has helped emencly with my depression and anxiety. Since being back on invega I have noticed a huge change in my moods and well being!! I have notice that I do not feel any emotion, if anything increased anxiety and depression. I have also noticed I have lost the ability to think properly, I find my thoughts are very limited and find it very hard to interact and socialize. I am wanting to get any feed back from people on this medication or some pointers in the right direction in finding an antipsychotic that will not give me any of these side effects. =)
Hope to hear from you guys soon and wish everyone all the very best thank you!!