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Has anyone used Ambien to help nerve pain? I use it and it helps for several hours?

41 Answers Page 2

clhatch13 2 June 2021

In 2007, I was going numb from the chest down. A neurologist found a tumor growing on my spinal cord in my T-spine. Zoom to 14 years later... I've had 3 major tumor removal surgeries (the tumor growing back faster after each surgery) with a laminectomy and finally a spinal fusion of my T1-T2-T3 vertebrae. We finally stopped the tumor from growing with radiation therapy but it still remains in my spinal column, compressing my spinal cord against the vertebrae. I suffer from severe, chronic pain in my neck and my T-spine. I have been on countless pain medications from liquid hydrocodone to suboxone (what i currently take) to methadone and everything inbetween. I have tried virtually every homeopathic and non-pharmacological therapy available (e.g. physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal remedies, Tens units (electric shocks/pulses), and hot/cold therapies... to name a few).


I have recently been suffering from insomnia and my pain specialist prescribed me 5mg Ambien at night to help me sleep. Surprisingly the Ambien works better than most of the opioid medications I've taken for pain. The BEST medication was a 50/50 THC to CBD tincture which I tried in Colorado once on a vacation. It makes since why Ambien works for some pain... namely neuropathic pain... because Ambien is a Central Nervous System Depressant. This means that it slows down the signals from nerves to your brain which includes pain signals. With the brain receiving less pain signals, one's pain level decreases. I'm going to discuss this with my Pain Specialist at our next appointment and see if this is something worth trying in the long-term because opioid pain medications have a large negative impact on overall health in the long run. Quite frankly for how well it is working for me, I'm surprised that more pain specialists don't have Ambien in their 'toolbox.'

I do NOT condone taking Ambien on your own (self-medicating) for pain however if you suffer from chronic pain and are on a long term medication regimen, it couldn't hurt to discuss this with your doctor. Also... if your state doesn't support medicinal marijuana, please think long and hard about supporting such an initiative. I can personally vouch for the efficacy of marijuana (at the right strength and THC/CBD ratio) for chronic, neuropathic pain. Food for thought... after I took that tincture in Colorado, I felt so good that I hiked to nearly the top of Castle Rock in Castle Rock, CO. This is something I never could have imagined being able to do since the onset of my spinal cord tumor issues... but medicinal marijuana made it possible. Fact.

To the person who simply said, "Ambien is a sleeping pill and should not be used for other purposes," you have no clue what you are talking about. If you are referring to someone abusing Ambien for pain relief, then yes, it's a sleeping pill and shouldn't be used for other purposes. However if you speak with a medical professional and they allow you to try it for your pain, then no, it's a sleeping pill and can be tried for other purposes. So many medications on the market are not prescribed for their designed purpose but rather for their side-effects. For example, Trazodone is an anti-depressant however many doctors prescribe it for sleeping problems and insomnia. Hydroxyzine is an anti-histamine but many psychiatrists prescribe it for anxiety. Wellbutrin is also an anti-depressant but doctors will prescribe it to help people quit smoking; I could list hundreds and hundreds of more meds that are prescribed for purposes other than what they were developed for. The bottom line is... if it works for treating a certain condition, then doctors should (and for the most part... will) consider using it for an off-label purpose.

If there is a medication out there that will reduce or nearly eliminate my pain and allow me to be the father to my 6 year old son that I feel he deserves, then by all means sign me up for it.

Votes: +2
Aprilbull 17 March 2022

Absolutely! This is so me. My pain doctors are allowing it.

Aprilbull 17 March 2022

Absolutely! This is so me. My pain doctors are allowing it.

Aprilbull 17 March 2022

Absolutely! This is so me. My pain doctors are allowing it.

Aprilbull 17 March 2022

Absolutely! This is so me. My pain doctors are allowing it.

Marka3 13 Feb 2021

I have used Ambien 5 mg for arthritis in my foot due to a broken ankle, and it works great and it lasts for hours. It also works for lower back pain/spasms due to arthritis. eliminating the need for dangerous NSAID's and narcotics. The problem is that Ambien in a Schedule 4 controlled substance subject to Rx and dosage limitations, especially by insurance companies. So it's hard to use for sleep and pain(a pill cutter is very useful). Doctors don't believe that it works, but there are some research studies on the web showing the effectiveness of this "hypnotic" on after surgery pain control. Check it out.

Votes: +2
shawnNhouston 26 Jan 2021

Yes I have and am currently using it for my Fibromyalgia pain. I need to find a doctor who understands this phenomenon as it is the only thing that brings relieve other than a narcotic

Votes: +0
shawnNhouston 17 Jan 2021

Yes, I find ambien relieves my fibromyalgia pain

Votes: +0
Nukeman10 16 Nov 2020

Just read this thread and almost cried in jubilation.
I have had lower sacral pain along with GI colon pain for over 10 years. I noticed then when I got my first prescription of Ambien that my pain would go away just prior to going to sleep. That 10 min of time became my only thing to look forward to since.
My pain hads slowly gotten better off and on over the years. Right now its terrible again. Lifting something heavy always does it.

I was to concur with all others. Zolpidem/Ambien is a miracle for my pain when nothing else works.


Votes: +2
Inactive 29 Oct 2020

I was so relieved to come across these responses. For the last couple years I have been living with chronic migraines and chronic vertigo. It's been a nightmare and I've been to every doctor and had every test done. I've tried pain medicine, antidepressant and then one day I took a 10mg Ambien and my vertigo disappeared for a few hours. I told my pain doctor and they dismiss it. I live in such awful pain every day and if 10mg of Ambien a day gives me a few hours without pain then it's worth it. Only people that live with chronic pain would understand. Thank you all for your comments. It's nice to know I'm not alone.

Votes: +1
Kaycee11 16 Oct 2020

I have had occipital neuralgia for years. As I get older the pain seems more intense and last longer. Recently, bc of another bout of neuralgia that has gone on for days I desperately needed sleep. Someone gave me a 1/2 tablet of Ambien and I not only got a restful sleep but woke up pain-free. Not sure if this is a cure-all but so far it’s worked for me.

Votes: +2
khogan9 2 Oct 2020

Has anyone successfully found another drug that works as well? Lorazepam worked to take the pain away for my boyfriend before the effects wore off and he went to rehab to get off of it. Now he is trying the Ambien, gets 3-5 hours of normal living including eating, bikeriding, swimming, driving. Without it he is huddling in bed, not able to eat, terrible stomach pain. I think its something to do with GABA receptors in the brain, the Zolpidem binds to the receptors allowing more GABA into the brain (and making most people fall asleep). Any new ideas or meds?

Votes: +1
khogan9 21 Sep 2020

I am so happy to find this forum. My husband has had stomach pain for 25 years, always diagnose as gastritis, then gastroparesis which was later taken off as a diagnosis. Last year it became much worse and he went for many tests, had his gall bladder out, tried many pain meds including Lyrica and oxycodone, nothing worked. He has the nerve from his splancnic nerve complex paralyzed to no avail. lorazepam and Valium used to work, until he developed a resistance to them, and he also became horribly addicted to them and had to go to rehab to get off. Anyway, 20 mg of Ambien takes his pain away completely for about 5 hours and wakes him up, no sleepiness. So now the problem is to get a doctor to prescribe more that 10 mg a day. Glad there are so many people pressuring their doctors to prescribe.

Votes: +1
leesten 2 Oct 2020

Just be careful of the ambien. It gave me peripheral neuropathy and now I am 1,000x worse off than the lack of sleep issues I was having before the ambien. For your own good, please check the inserts off all prescription drugs to know and monitor their side effects. My doctors did not warn me or pay attention to the first symptoms of PN and now I am in pain for life.

Inactive 29 Oct 2020

I totally agree. I have tried to get my doctor to up my dosage to 20mg a day but she said won't even though Ambien is the only thing keeping me sane right now. I have intense vertigo with migraines every day and it takes 20mg to calm it down or I don't sleep at all

Marka3 13 Feb 2021

Ambien is a Schedule 4 controlled substance with dosage and Rx limitations. Do what I do: get a sharp pill cutter and/or get a doctor to prescribe Ambien for you and your spouse.

Marka3 13 Feb 2021

Ambien is a Schedule 4 controlled substance with dosage and Rx limitations. Do what I do: get a sharp pill cutter and/or get a doctor to prescribe Ambien for you and your spouse.

masso 27 March 2020

"The analgesic properties of zolpidem are unknown, but there are several hypotheses to explain their existence. One hypothesis focuses on the correlation between sleep and pain. If sleep is improved, either pain processing is improved or the pain threshold is increased, resulting in decreased pain."

Votes: +1
Ronnwayne 27 March 2020

Yes Peripheral neuropathy pain in feet all but goes away . I take it at night but wish i could take it during the day when I'm at work , but ...

Votes: +0
tomchi 26 Feb 2020

I have terrible nerve pain in my legs from a failed lumbar fusion surgery. I noticed when I would take an Ambien and get in bed and play with my phone that the nerve pain would gradually go away. Then I would fall asleep. Now if I’m having a particularly bad nerve pain day I cut an Ambien in half and take it. I feel great for hours and can do chores and other activities and not fall asleep. I take Lyrica but it doesn’t seem to help. I wish more research could be done on this.

Votes: +1
CarlaLopez25 9 Oct 2019

It helps with my chronic intractable migraine!!! From a 8 to a 0 in 10 mins. Unfortunately, I take it as prescribed but it’s nice to have some relief from all my pain (fibro, nerve pain, chronic vertigo, gastroparesis) when I go to sleep. The only thing is the pain starts right back up again when I wake up.. it’s very odd how it works. It does help me get sleepy too as it’s intended use :)

Votes: +0
jodelleb 12 Sep 2019

I have had chronic pelvic pain for over 8 years. I’ve tried many different drugs and nothing seems to work as well as ambien. I take 2.5mg around noon and another 2.5 around 5/6. It works very well to relieve the pain. My doctors don’t understand why it works but it does. For anyone who is in constant chronic pain, I suggest doing whatever works granted you talk to your doctor about it. Good luck.

Votes: +0
Evehood 4 Sep 2019

I usually only take 5 mg of Ambien when I travel and change time zones. I have noticed that on the day after I am remarkably pain free. I suffer from carpel tunnel and have had 4 knee surgeries with some related nerve damage and am used to living with pain. I wish I could use it every night, but am concerned about addiction and side effects.

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ambien, peripheral neuropathy, pain, neuralgia, nerve

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