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What other antidepressant is safe to take with Cymbalta. Still feeling really depressed?


Cindyw424 16 July 2016

By personal experience, I say run like hell to get away from Cymbalta! After 15 yrs of trying different antidepressants, Cymbalta slowly took 4 years of my life away. I assumed my depression was worsening, which I don't believe it was so much depression as it is anxiety. But after weaning myself off them, which is NOT easy, I no longer sleep all day, my motivation that did not exist for 4 years, all the other miserable things I dealt with... GONE! I haven't felt like "me" in years! Feels amazing, yet strange!
Good luck to you!

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Inactive 16 July 2016

Cindy. thank you for your comment. May I ask you, how long has it been since you took your last antidepressant? Thanks in advance. "G"

Cindyw424 16 July 2016

It's been about a week now.

Inactive 17 July 2016

Cindy, have you heard of rebound depression? Sometimes depression returns after you quit the antidepressant. It can happen 3 or 4 weeks after you quit your antidepressant. I hope you have gone past that point since you say you weaned off your antidepressants.

Effect 16 Oct 2016

It took me about 3 weeks to experience the rebound depression from stopping Cymbalta. At first I thought things were going great (more energy), but then things started to slowly go downhill and became very bad again.

Effect 16 Oct 2016

To answer the main question, I would suggest trying a stimulant with Cymbalta to help raise your dopamine. Cymbalta helps me with some of the anxiety/ depression, but I still need to take Adderall for the remaining fatigue and lack of motivation. free discount card

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cymbalta, depression, anxiety, back pain, generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, antidepressant

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