I have been prescribed Amoxicillin for 10 days twice a day and have been on birth control specifically Ocella for a year and couple months and I take it religiously. Never miss a pill. Well I started the antibiotics on Wednesday 2/25 and had unprotected sex Friday 2/27 my husband pulled out but doesn't know if anything leaked or not before that. I take my last birth control pill today Sat 2/28 and suppose to start my period Wed 3/4 - Sat 3/7. I usually spot wednesday and thursday and have the full on period either friday and saturday and start pills again on sunday. Im just wondering if I need to go get the morning after pill at this point or if there is even a possibility for me to be pregnant?
Amoxicillin while taking birth control and unprotected sex?
Question posted by bmcnally24 on 28 Feb 2015
Last updated on 7 September 2018
I’m in the exact same scenario as you. I can’t seem to find answers, what was your result? Did you become pregnant while using the pullout method while on antibiotics and birth control ?
Following- same thing for me. I'm married and dont necessarily mind if I am, but want to know what the odds actually are- are they high, only 20% lol We didn't pull out tho... we were too in the moment LOL
You should be using a condom when on the antibiotic and for a week after you you're done using it. Pulling out isn't a birth control method. And you don't normally need any other method of birth control when you are taking them correctly, but antibiotics can lessen the effect of the birth control . In your case I would use one until I've taken 7 active pills in a row. When you are on birtth control you do not ovulate as you are taking them correctly, and you can't get pregnant which is what your worried about I think, not the antibiotic yet that is where the problem lies. I do wish that would be stressed to girls when they get antibiotics.
Thank you for responding. I am still on active pills and been on active pills. Tonight is my last active pill and suppose to start my period next week. So im not quite sure what your answer was whether I need to get the plan b or not? If I start my period next week does that mean im fine or do I need to see if I were to miss a period next month?
You're missing the whole thing. When you start the amoxicilin you were not considered protected until you've taken 7 active pills after you stop it. The worry over pregnancy because youre not sure if you got some semen in you is far out wieghed by the fact hat antibiotics make birth control pills less effective. And If I'm telling you you aren't protected, then you draw you're own conclusion, but use a condom until you've taken 7 active pills after you stop the antibiotic. Keep in mind that pulling out is not ever an effective method of birth control.
No im not missing the whole thing im not stupid. I know that antibiotics make birth control less effective but my concern was that if I have been taking my pills regularly and am fixing to have a period even though taking antibiotics if my chances were more or less of getting pregnant but its okay I went and got it just to be on the safe side even though I probably didnt need it. Thanks though.
Related topics
birth control, amoxicillin, unprotected sex
Further information
- Amoxicillin uses and safety info
- Amoxicillin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Amoxicillin (detailed)
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