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Is it alright to take Neurobion after a brain stroke?


pickles503 20 April 2013

I agree with Kai. It's vitamin B. A very important vitamin. I guess the best way to use it is with injection. This is what I read on line, but I have some reservations about it, because I couldn't get a clear cut answer. Maybe you need to get on the phone and talk to a pharmacist or doc. Pharmacist really know their stuff. Especially if you go to the same pharmacist. I'm sorry I can't help you more. If u want someone to talk to, I'll ask you to be my friend, and when u get the message that I want to add you as a friend, and if want to just say yes. and we'll become friends. We can then have private conversations.
Talk to you later.
A dozen roses,
Anna pickles503

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kaismama 20 April 2013

Its just a multivite, but if you have doubts talk to your pharmacist or doctor.

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neurobion, depression, brain

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