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Is there any alcohol in the zzzquil Im in recovery and can not take any alcohol based medicines?


Bearcat315 30 Sep 2013

naturegirl123 If Its for sleep purposes, try Diphenhydramine (benadryl) tablets. I used it throughout recovery, It was allowed because its allergy medication. Thats actually the active ingredient in ZZZquil anyway... DiphenhydramineHCL 50mg per pill. I believe Benadryl is 20 mg per pill I used to take 2-3 it depends on what you tolerate. BTW the HCL stands for hydrocloride (inactive ingredient) at least to my knowledge anyway.

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Chemautumn_skye 30 Dec 2014

HCl--stands for chlor-ic, most likely chloric acid, usually they put a small portion of an acid in a medication, because all acids are aqueous. Meaning it dissolves in water. They put it in my Adderall, (ampetamine salts) the salts stands for the acid that is in there. The acid is there literally so it dissolves in your stomach. All acids or dissolvable in water (aqueous) so usually it's in the form of a salt and it's put in a lot of medications so it has the ability to dissolve in your stomach. This is just a basic comment to your question. I'm taking some chem It couldn't be hydrochloride, just because of the rules of chemistry. Just a bit of information. But I'm not an expert. Good luck!

kaismama 16 May 2013

Yes there is. It will help you to know that if the medicine says elixir it has alcohol in it. You have to be careful with cough medicines to.

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robwhite 21 Nov 2014

Yes, ZzzQuil has alcohol in it, but the generic Walgreens, Walmart, and Target brands don't have alcohol. Some do, some don't. The Kroeger brand does. free discount card

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alcohol, medicine, recovery, zzzquil

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