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I'm addicted to tramadol. How can I stop it?

3 Answers

Jilly41 14 Nov 2022

I was on this same medication for years. Eventually my body built up a tolerance to it, and all my doctors ever did was increased my doses! Then I had 2 seizures and wound up in the ICU. I never want to take this medication ever ever again. I didn't approach my doctor on how to wean myself off of this medication. I researched it myself and I was able to taper off in a safe and healthy way. I'm proud to say it worked and I will never take this medication ever again. Sometimes doctors can be our worst enemy. Im not saying all are like this but just be careful. If you are trying to get off of this medication and your doctor is trying to keep you on it, that's a major problem. Seek advise from a different professional. I wish you all the best.

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Dottie25 13 Nov 2022

My pain management doctor refused to take me off of it, even though the insurance company said I was on it too long. I went to my pharmacist and he instructed me how to taper. The pain management doctor was furious when I told him I didn’t want to take it anymore. The only function of a pain management doctor is to be a drug pusher. They want you hooked or they will have no patients. Talk about your concerns with your pharmacist.

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WildcatVet 14 Nov 2022

That's a little harsh.

WildcatVet 13 Nov 2022

Hi, Ashemi!
The safest way to stop is with a tapering dose schedule provided by the doctor who prescribed it. A long withdrawal will help prevent discontinuation syndrome.
Don't try to do it yourself or with non-professional suggestions you may read on internet sites like this one.

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anxiety, restless legs syndrome, tramadol, chronic pain, addiction

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