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Does the Adderall daily crashes calm down with time?

3 Answers

brionsub 3 Dec 2022

Yes. With time and sometimes other medication. For example, I am on Adderall XR and just in case of a crash situation or trouble sleeping, I am prescribed Klonopin PRN and it definitely HELPS with crash type feelings, anxiety related to the Adderall and definitely helps with sleep.

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Kultin 13 Sep 2022

I am not a doctor and am just sharing my personal experience with adderall crashes. I'm 26 and have been on Adderall since I was 9. In my experience the crashes are avoidable and come down to 1) Dose, 2) Tolerance, 3) Sleep 4) Nutrition. In my experience at an ideal dose with adequate sleep and nutrition, crashes are nonexistant.

1) Dose: Lower is better in my experience. Higher dose means more intense crashes, more tolerance, worse sleep, worse appetite and other side effects.

2) Tolerance: Less tolerance in better in my experience. Lower tolerance means lower dose to get the better therapeutic effect but with fewer negative side effects. High tolerance and high dose means worse therapeutic effects and worse crashes and worse sleep and worse nutrition. It's a lose lose lose lose.


3) Sleep: More sleep in better in my experience. Taking adderall right when I wake up is good. Taking adderall after poor sleep makes crashes worse. Taking too much adderall or having high tolerance makes sleep worse. Taking Adderall too late in the day makes sleep worse. Being hungry but unable to eat makes sleep worse. Bad sleep makes me much more suseptible to a crash the next day.

4) Nutrition. Higher doses makes me less hungry and less thirsty even though I am burning more calories and going through fluids quicker. Low blood sugar and dehrdration make crashes worse. I also choose poorer quality foods on higher doses.

The dose is ultimately your Dr's choice, but they will lower it if you ask them and they may raise it if you suggest it isn't enough. In my experience, Dr's have consistantly wanted to give me higher doses because of my severe symptoms and 6'5" stature. Whenever I gave this a try I get crashes that worsen until tolerance builds up and then the crashes are still there but slightly more mild.

I now take a low dose that helps my symptoms of ADD but doesnt cause crashes or interefere with my sleep or nutrition. It doesn't completely get rid of my ADD symptoms, but I have found that neither will high doses, and along with high doses come crashes, poor sleep, poor eating habbits, and a bunch of other bad stuff that results from being underslept and undernourished and burned out cognitively... In my experience it is a mistake to wait tolerance to make crashes to go away and the real solution is adressing dosage and being intentional with sleep and nutrition.

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scoomah 14 Sep 2022

How did you make it work on a low dose after having tolerance?

Kultin 14 Sep 2022

Re @schoomah: In the 15 years I've been taking Adderall I've done it a few times. In my experience it seemed like my body built tolerance quicker than I would lose it, but it did indeed go both ways.

Down Titration worked well for me. My Dr and I reduced the dose 5 mg every month or so until I got back down to a dose that gave me the most relief of my ADD symptoms while causing the least negative effects. While reducing the dose I stopped talking it days I didnt work or do school (I asked my Dr first).

I'm not a Dr and not your Dr, I'm just sharing my personal experience. Talk with your own Dr before making any changes to your regimine.

Jilly41 31 Aug 2022

Hi there, Yes I believe they do. I've been on 80mg a day for the last 3 years and I have noticed a difference compared to the first year.
There are some natural supplements you can take that helps ease the crash. L-Theanine.
How long have you been on adderall and what dose are you on?

All the best


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