I am 26 years old and have been on Accutane for 3 months. I have the normal side effects of dry lips, nose, and eyes. However, in the past month my Accutane dose got increased to 60 mg. For the past 3 weeks it has been painful when I had sex. My dermatologist says it’s due to vagina dryness. I always use lube with latex condoms (also the oral contraceptive pill). I’ve decided to stop the medication because I read personal stories this side effect is permanent and it’s a scary side effect for a young adult. Is it true it’s permanent and is it a common side effect?

My dermatologist suggested going back to 40mg daily and using Vaseline to help with the dryness. I’ve used vaseline for 2 days and it feels less irritated. However, I’m currently abstaining from sex and Accutane until things improve completely. I want to be sexually active with my partner and I don’t want vaginal side effects. I did visit my OB/GYN about this who said she hadn’t heard of this side effect but to try to abstain from Accutane to see if it improves things. My STI labs were normal.