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Abilify 5mg, I just started taking it. Have anyone had good/bad results?

41 Answers Page 2

hermaba 28 Sep 2012

I started Abilify a little over 3 weeks ago. Started at 2.5 mg for a week then went to 5 mg the next week. At 5 mg I started having a problem with being to amped up. I am now back to 2.5 mg and am feeling good. Lots of energy.

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sagelee 12 Nov 2011

I took it for a while. it messed me up. i shook all the time.,very sleepy and sick to my stomach.

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bloxham 30 Sep 2011

It saved my life!

Votes: +1
slattery 7 Sep 2011

I take 10mg of abilify in conjunction with 500mg of depakote. I am surprised that many seem to report negative effects, because when I contrast it with
six years consumption of zyprexa, it absolutely seems to be wonderful in terms of absence of side effects. I have been taking this drug for over a year, and the worst which can be said is that I've gained 4lbs, which is negligible in the scheme of things.
So if weight gain is an issue to you, I do have to say that it's great, as long as you watch your diet. I did read that there was a May 2011 study completed, independent of the manufacturer, which calls into question the benefits of long-term abilify use, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Votes: +1
sruasonid 7 Sep 2011

I took Abilify for over two years, just stopped because insurance company dropped it off the list and I couldn't afford it myself. I never experienced any bad side effects at all; in fact, I was surprised at how quickly it worked to get rid of a horrible depression that hit me suddenly and without warning. Usually BP meds take 4-6 weeks to start working, but within 1-1/2 to 2 weeks on Abilify, I was completely turned around. I felt like someone had turned on a light in a dark room. Started at 5mg also.

My psychotic symptoms progressed over the following year, and so my dosage was increased to 30 mg/day. That's what I stayed on until I stopped taking it. I understand a lot of people have had problems with it, but I guess everyone's different. I really had a good experience with it. It sure stopped the horrible hallucinations, and that was a real blessing - I mean, they were absolutely terrifying.


Just about 4 days ago, I started on Latuda instead, and so far, so good. No side effects at all, and from all the literature and what the doctor has told me, it has none of the nasty side effects that some of the others I've used had, so I'm very hopeful.

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SinfullySweet 2 Sep 2011

Hi, not long ago i tryd abilify also n it made me sooo groggy all i did was sleeep

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lightningstryker1966 30 July 2011

I was taking Abilify 5 mg also for a week and had an allergic reaction to it. I do know people who have had great results from it
I am allergic to all the medications that will treat Bipolar Disorder.

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Inactive 13 June 2011

Abilify has saved my life. It is the only drug that keeps me from being suicidal. When I don't take it I have severe suicidal tendencies. I have been on it for a few years and my psychiatrist just upped my dosage to 18 mgs. I am not aware of any adverse side effects, but I am on a host of drugs. I am sure some counteract somewhere along the line. My Psych cocktail is Cymbalta, Abilify, Lamictal and Seroquel and I swear I could not function properly without the four. The one complaint I do have about Abilify is the God Awful expense of it.

Votes: +1
bipolar4life 13 April 2011

Hi i am jan
i was on abilify for like a year and it worked great for me the onyl draw back which i did lose already is that it put like 38lbs on me very very quickly. It soon got me off of the sofa and back on my feet in conjunction with lamictal and effexor xr
i recently just came off of it thats what i wanted to tell u i took 30mg of it graduaslly went up of course and when i hit 30 we stopped it and the withdrawal from that was heck let me tell u!!! i finally took the samples I had and the 30mg ones and cut them all up into quarters and weaned off that way u can NOT just stop this med please dont. u will get such weird sensations in the face and jittery and everything. i am off of it now doing fine just because we cant afford it right now, it is 400 for three months and right now we just moved anyways we cant afford it but i have nothing but good things to say about it i am just praying every night i can stay stable without it so far so good. Good luck with it hon lol always janymak

Votes: +0
cistre 13 Feb 2011

I was taking Cymbalta alone for years, but I still had that feeling of constant melancholy. The Abilify took care of that, and I hope I can always take it. I think it is a very good drug and does what it's supposed to do.

Votes: +1
jdvib 4 July 2011

Just take it at low doses. That goes for the whole lot of them. Lol.

guildedflowr 21 Nov 2010

i took abilify for like 2 days. and it was horrible. it increased my agitation,anxiety and made me paranoid. i had to go to the hospital and get an IM of valium to make the side effects stop. i will never take that medication again.

Votes: +2
HyRyder 25 Oct 2010

I found myself in a clinical depression, thought I could get out of it myself. When that didn't work, I did seek the help of a Med/Shrink who then put me on Abilify. I was a wonder drug at first. You must stay monitored professionally on this. Serious side effects are unusual tics and uncontrolled tongue, mouth or facial movements that once started cannot be stopped. This is not a drug you want to stay on for any serious length of time. Your shrink should be having you stick out your tongue and hold it out for a minute or longer and see if these side effects are starting. Good Luck

Votes: +1
manicbaby123 22 Sep 2010

loved the results of the med, increased my mood, i felt great. BUT, couldn't handle the weight gain. good luck

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msbratt 30 Aug 2010

My psychiatrist added Abilify to my 'cocktail' of anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications. I had to stop using it because I could not perform the simplest mathematic equations. I also became confused very easily.

Votes: +2
Jaxs 26 June 2010

Wow after reading alot of other posts i wonder why I take 30mgs daily of Abilify

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Sideffects2 12 July 2010

Everyone metabolizes the drugs differently, so try not to get too hung up on the numbers. Just think of how it's making you feel. If your illness is more bearable and you are able to function better. That's the ticket.

SharonDW 29 May 2018

I've been on ability for 2 months. Just raised the dosage to 20 mgs. I can't tell I'm taking anything.

SharonDW 29 May 2018

I will say DON'T mix it with alcohol!

Abilify4toolongA 14 Feb 2021

From what I've read, the higher doses don't do anything more to help with manic or schizophrenic conditions. Please verify that through research articles that have come out. I wouldn't trust a psychiatrist with their supposed knowledge - because one kept me on abilify for 10 long years straight and it didn't not do anything to help my depression. free discount card

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