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Is 90mg of mirtazapine safe for first time?

5 Answers

jakejakejake 7 Feb 2020

I was on it for 3 years, started off on 15mg, then went to 30 after two weeks, then went to 60mg about 2 months later, a few months later then upped me to 90,mg, then i started getting negative side effects and early signs of overdose so i went b ack down to 60 then 30 then 15 and now i have to get off it completely, thanks to temazepam.

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ChelleKay 8 April 2017

I realize this is an old post but just in case it may help someone, I feel I should chime in. I have been on this med for over 7 years. Started out at 15mg and didn't feel any different. Following doctors advice, and now my own in a lot of situations, we increased it to 30mg. I have been at that dose ever since. Even tho I was looking for a quick fix, I came to realize I needed to give it time. I am so glad I did. I have PTSD and depression. I think my depression is mostly due to the fact that I have been sick my entire adult life,plus side effect of the 14 medsI take daily. Diagnosed w/ Crohns Disease at 21 after being sick for a year, was the beginning of my medical merry go round. As the yrs have passed I have picked up many more medical problems. This med helped me so much with the PTSD. I can talk about it now and the nightmares don't freak me out like they used to.


I have even spoken at several support groups about my experience, and even tho I cried,it was a human emotion, not a break down. All thanks to Remeron (brand). enough about me, 90mg is too much to start on!! Keep in mind,it takes time to build up in your system. One must be patient. My doc wouldflip if I told him I was taking 90mg at once. More does NOT mean faster results. This can be a great med if used properly. I am living proof. Ty, if you are out there, please rethink this and contact your doctor. Best wishes, Chelle

Votes: +1
chuck1957 26 Feb 2017

Tyzza; If you have never taken this drug prior to now. You or the Pharmacist should verify this prescription with the Doctor. It is best to be safe than sorry. I am saying this because this is twice the manufactured maximum dose. And errors can happen You could call a 24-hour Pharmacy if you like and ask the Pharmacist what you should do. Here is a copy of one of the sites I pulled this message. (Initial dose: 15 mg orally once a day at bedtime
Maintenance dose: 15 to 45 mg orally once a day
Maximum dose: 45 mg/day

-May increase the dose every 1 to 2 weeks to a maximum 45 mg/day according to patient response.
-Patients should be periodically reassessed to determine the need for continued use of this drug. SO PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THE 90MG DOSE UNTIL YOU HAVE REACHED YOUR DOCTOR. or Pharmacist

Votes: +1
janiebme 26 Feb 2017

Hi tyzza-
You may want to let your doctor know about what WildCatVet posted. That seems like a high dose to start out with.
Hope you find relief soon.

Votes: +1
WildcatVet 25 Feb 2017

Initial dose: 15 mg orally once a day at bedtime
Maintenance dose: 15 to 45 mg orally once a day
Maximum dose: 45 mg/day

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