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My 60 lb. dogs on 2-25 mg benadryl and 3hrs later accidentally gave again, will he be ok?


chuck1957 28 April 2016

lasjax; Yes I agree with your previous post he may be a bit tired but plenty of water for dry mouth won't hurt If you have to continue write it down it's easy and don't be surprised if he does not even get tired. just kind of watch that he can pee okay as long as he is drinking it does have an effect to slow the bladder. But your all good they give my 20 lb dog a lot stronger medication because the Benadryl hardly did anything.

Votes: +0
Mike0611 28 April 2016

I wouldn't worry about it. At the most, it'll just put him to sleep for awhile. Vets even give meds similar to Benadryl to keep them calm. Just make sure your dog has plenty of water, as Benadryl can cause them to become real thirsty.

Votes: +1
chuck1957 28 April 2016

very good answer mike; REALY nice of you, we dog people they are as important as our kids when they were young.thanks bugs me when I see some post that just don't show up for days and then it's too late thanks again friend hope all is going well for you too. free discount card

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benadryl, dog

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