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I take 50mg viagra will it hurt to double the dose although it is working as it is now?


Tony Manero 19 Dec 2017

You are lucky Viagra works and 50mg also works.
Don't double dose as side effects can be greater. Ask for a prescription for 100mg (same price as 50mg) and pill cut 1/2 x 2 doses. My prescription is 100mg with instructions to take 1/2 or 1 -- whatever works for me. 2 years ago, 25mg worked, but I now have to go to 50mg (or Cialas 10mg or 20mg).

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coloresue 5 July 2015

I have to wonder why you want to double your viagra dose if it already works at the current dose. Do you have any blood pressure problems in the higher ranges? You could potentially cause your BP to become too high by doubling your viagra dosage. Do you or anyone in your family have a history with high BP, hiatal hernias or aneurysms? These would be contraindications to taking a double dose of viagra. Please talk to your Dr. before making this change for your own safety.

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