I have started 15mg mirtazapine for depression and Insomnia about 4,5 weeks ago. Initially with 3,75 and then 7,5mg now on 15 for over 20 days. Before I had issues falling asleep (some nights now sleep at all) and waking up around 3 or 4am with no way getting back to sleep. Falling asleep has been improved since on this, but I am still not sleeping more than 4-5 hours. When is there a lift in depression, as I am thinking of asking my psychiatrist for help/ change in medication.
Initial side effects where dizziness and change in hunger. Slight increase in weight since taking.
Would it make sense to combine it with/ or change to Lexapro/ or Fluoxetine to ease the depression?
Never used AD before, treated issues with St. Johns in the past. Any suggestion would be helpful