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Bladder function - neurological control

This animation shows the neurological control of normal bladder function.

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Step-up exercise for legs and buttocks

The step-up is an exercise for the legs and buttocks. See how it's done.

Macular degeneration

This animation shows the process of macular degeneration in the eye. The macula is the part of the retina that distinguishes fine details at the center of the field of vision. Macular degeneration results from a partial breakdown of the insulating layer between the retina and the choroid layer of blood vessels behind the retina. Macular degeneration results in the loss of central vision only.

Is it Okay To Miss a Day Or Two of My Blood Pressure Medications?

Reasons why you should always take your medications on time and tips on how to remember to take them.

Tramadol: Approved Uses and Pain Mechanism

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Prednisone: Review of Special Precautions

Overview of important precautions with prednisone use.

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