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Unanswered Questions (Page 5)

Iron Oxide Allergy- anyone else?

Is an anyone else struggling with allergies to iron oxide? Aka ferric oxide. It’s the coloring used in medications, makeups, and other skin products. I get red bumps on my upper and lower eyelids and other symptoms. Anyone else?

Pharmacokinetics of domperidone?

How long after taking doxycycline before you can lay down?

How long after taking doxycycline before you can lay down?

Ambien - I am looking for an Ambien abuse support group?

i am looking for an Ambien abuse support group

How do I add a new drug to my drug list in

I cannot find where you had a new drug somehow I got two of my drugs entered and they’re listed, but I can’t add another one!

Hypertension - antihypertensive used during pregnancy?

For all trimesters.

How does citalopram dosage work?

If I take daily 20mg of citalopram, & last night I took 1/4 more, which is like 25mg, & I couldn’t sleep, was it because of that?

Entresto - what dose of Entresto to start with if currently on 80mg of telmisartan?

i am 71 with level III hfper. currently on a regime of drugs to treat high BP/diabetic/a-fib. for high blood pressure i have taking 80mg of telmisartan for years. I am going to be switched to Entresto. What is the effective starting dose? is 24/26 sufficient enough?

Stelara - What Co-Pay assistance programs are there? We have applied for the Janssen With Me...

... Program, but appears it has a limited amount for $9k for the year. $9k covered 1 dose / 1 month for the drug. We assumed it was $9k monthly and new we feel duped, What other alternatives are out there? We desperately need assistance / alternatives

Xiidra - When I use Xiidra at night when going to bed, I notice that when I wake up for whatever...

... reason, it's very difficult to open my eyes at all. It's frightening.I end up using my fingers on the top and bottom of each lid to open each eye. Of course it's difficult to see. It doesn't bother me in the morning when I use them. What's up with this?

The interaction between Daflon for hemorrhoids and erlotinib for lunk cancer?

Are there and interactions between Daflon for hemorrhoids and erlotinib for lung cancer?

Is UROMUNE vaccine available in the USA?

Is this vaccine available in the USA? I just read an article on MedScape about its use in the UK off license.