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Is lorazepam the same as clonazepam?

5 Answers

MrCJ9091 24 July 2018

The are both benzodiazepines.

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DeJesus312 25 April 2018

I just ran out of clonazepam , I just want to know if it is safe to take lorazepam until I get my prescription for my clonazepam?

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Inactive 18 June 2010

I've always taken clonazepam (Klonopin) -- I believe that it is a long acting benzo compared to lorazepam (Avitan) few hours -- I read that clonazepam can actually worsen depression.

Avitan-lorazepam/ The half-life is 4 hours. That means that it will decrease by half every four hours. For example, if you take 1 mg, you will have .5mg in your bloodstream after 4 hours, .25 after 8 hours, .125 mg after 12 hrs, and .06 mg after 16 hrs, .03 after 20 hrs, and .015mg after 24 hrs., etc.

Klonopin- Clonazepam has a much weaker sedative effect.

Both benzos, and like all benzos are very addicting.

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sabbi 19 June 2010

i find that lorezepam makes me fall asleep and i wake up having apanic attack it doesnt happen with clonazepam

Inactive 19 June 2010

Thats odd you shouldnt be waking up with panic attacks as its not one of the side effects, its supposed to treat panic attacks among other conditions. Contact your Doc.

I always ask the same to everyone i try to help... what other meds are u on... cause of the interactions. and what dosage r u on?

sabbi 20 June 2010

i take 1 sertraline in the morning i think thats zolof and half of 1mg of ativan at night i have tried other meds and after a while i find that my panic attacks and deppression gets worse its like my skin is crawling

Inactive 20 June 2010


Ok .. there is a drug interaction checher on this site its at the top click on it and agree to the terms and conditions then it will ask you to start adding each med u take when you are done it will ask you to check interactions or something similar; I will do this 4 you as you r new..good girl!!!

Inactive 20 June 2010

you have 2 do it I tried but it stays in my page and I cant send it to you dont have your email, its very simple

sabbi 20 June 2010

thanks :)

Inactive 20 June 2010

Im happy to help!

Inactive 20 June 2010


how did it go with the drug interaction checker... i think it must have been the combination of clonazepam with guessing!

sabbi 21 June 2010

im going to see if i need to change my dose on my day off from work i dont fell right you have been a great help thanxs take care talk soon :)

oxyaaron 1 Oct 2010

i disagree with you on thisone maso ativan doees nothing for me but the clonazepam has a sedating effect on me

Inactive 1 Oct 2010

As you must be aware not all organisms react in the same way my friend and everyone is entitled to their opinion based on personal experiences.

Have a good weekend Aron.

Psyched 17 June 2010

Lorazepam is the generic name for Ativan; which is a benzo that functions as a sedative, hypnotic, and antianxiety med. It can be prescribed for anxiety, irritability, alcohol withdrawal, and some seizure activities. Clonazepam is the generic name for Klonopin; which is a benzo derivative that acts as an anticonvulsant. It can be prescribed seizures, panic disorder, and anxiety. I would NOT recommend taking one as a replacement for the other without consulting your physician first. Hope this helps.

Votes: +2
midwestma 17 June 2010

Lorazepam and clonazepam are the same as Ativan and Klonopin. Both pretty much do the same thing. They are both benzodiazepine medications. However I'm not sure if they act the same way on a person. Hopefully someone who know a bit more about these two meds could help you out much better than I can. Good Luck.

Votes: +2
barbles2413 17 June 2010

lorazepam is ativan and clonazepa, is klonopin bith used for anxiety

Lovesviv 14 Dec 2017

I find that these two drugs work differently depending on the person. They might do the "same thing" but make you more or less sleepy/and or content (anxiety free). free discount card

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anxiety, clonazepam, lorazepam, anxiety and stress

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