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Brilinta - does the shortness of breath go away over time?

4 Answers

pops131 13 June 2021

I've been on Brilinta for 6 weeks after having a stent put in my heart and suffer a very little shortness of breath during the day but when I go to bed or try to sleep in chair as soon as i start to drop off to sleep the shortness of breath come on very strong and i have to sit up or get up,maybe 3 or 4 nights a week i sit up all night which is scary,does anyone have the same problem?next month I see my surgeon and hopefully he will change this medication.

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gypsybj 4 May 2022

I have had the exact same symptoms. What did your Doctor put you on instead of Brilinta?

larth10 9 April 2018

I had a stent put in July 2017 after they found out I had a 99% blockage in the "widow maker". My cardiologist put me on Brilinta and also a baby aspirin. I had shortness of breath most days and it was very disturbing. How do you know if it's the drug or you're having a cardiac event. It made me crazy. I finally asked him to change me to Effient in January and my issues have stopped. So much better! My sister is a cardiac NP and she was the one who recommended it.

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Shtudwn 8 June 2018

Taking Brilinta for a year and 3 months, shortness of breath on and off. Sometimes just doing nothing. Itching in my arm pits on and off. Sometimes small red bumps that go away in a few days. I also thing I’m loosing arm pit hair. Very little hair in the first place but almost gone. Asked to stay on the Burlinta longer then the normal year, a friend was taken off after 1 year and a week then had a heart attack. RIP

Kimberlyrnv 30 Oct 2018

How long before you could breathe freely again? My last dose of Brilinta was 7 days ago (started back on Effient 6 days ago) and I am still struggling. It has gotten better, but cannot breath normally yet.

chrisconman 9 April 2018

It gets better. I started taking Brilinta in June of 2017 and the shortness of breath was almost instant. However, after about 6 weeks, I had no side affects at all. The only reminder I have now is the constant bruises I have on my body. I actually found this thread because I am scared to stop and would like to continue when my year is up.

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Ray S 8 May 2021

I'm new in this group. I had stents placed 6 weeks ago, taking Brilinta (in addition to statins, aspirin and blood pressure drugs). Just wondering how you are doing now with Brilinta after almost 4 years.
I have episodes of SOB too and is scared.

Dr Robert 31 March 2014

After I started taking Brilinta, I had both itching and shortness of breath. Both common side effects. Itching abruptly stopped at 100 days and shortness of breath stopped at 150 days. This may not be true for anyone but me but for a sample of one, it stopped. Others may be able to add to the sample.

Votes: +1
sciden 12 Dec 2014

That's encouraging to me - I took Brilinta for two days after a stent before the doc yanked it off the list. I was having SOB and difficulty breathing, causing a strange pattern of panting every few minutes. Now, 5 months later, the symptoms persit, although not as strong, but enough to prevent any sort of prolonged activity. This is a dangerous drug - I have had many conversations with rehab nurses that related the they have had "lots of problems" with it. I hope the fools who released this to market sleep well at night, the money hungry idiots. Try Plavix instead - as one doc said, "It's worked for years and years... I don't know why it had to be changed to Brilinta other than profits to the drug maker". Enough said.

gardawg46 10 Jan 2017

Brilinta sucks the breath out of you. On it a month now and seems to be getting worse. Just sitting or standing I start panting sometime. Shame on the dr's. rx-ing it. Going on Plavix tomorrow!

kanuck66 9 April 2017

I had a stint procedure done late Feb. The Cardiologist that did the stint, placed me on Plavix, which is the norm. I started getting a rash and then I started breaking out with hives and the rash and hives continued to spread, it was quite painful. After a week, saw my regular cardiologist and once she saw what was happening, switched me that day to Brinlinta. Next day started experiencing shortness of breathe and rash continued to spread under my forearms and top of my legs, dry skin, then the itch started. The shortness of breath started causing gasping and panic breathing and the itch got so bad it started keeping me up at night. But the red rash started to heal and most of the hives has healed now 5x weeks later. But my forearms still have a red rash and itch along with the top of legs and stomach.


And very dry skin continues on face, back, feet, hands and genitals although I've manged to control itch somewhat by using a daily dose of 24-Hr Reactine and taking Benadryl every 4-6 hrs.

Since I have had such a bad reaction to Plavix, switching me Effient would almost for sure have the same effect. So the only thing I can do is try and manage the symptoms. My shortness of breath is so bad, that when I walk up stairs I have to bend over and catch my breath, but have managed past the panic breathing. When mowing the lawn, I have to stop after every strip and catch my breath, can't go back to the gym... I'm just surviving and managing the symptoms.

I really hope someday they can come out with a better blood thinner. I still have 10 months to do on these drugs till they can look at taking me... god, this is going to be rough 10 months if the symptoms don't subside at some point. I keep hoping. MY next visit to the cardiologist I'm going to ask if she can give me a low dose steroid to try and subside/control the rash and side effect of the Brilinta. I wonder if a steroid would help counteract the shortness of breath too?

Tysyn 26 June 2017

I was placed on Brilinta after a recent stent. Within 3 days I had an extremely bad cough and extreme shortness of breath. On day 5 I called an ambulance as I could not get air in or our and got so weak I could not stand. I needed oxygen support and Ventolin. I was taken off the drug and put on Plavix which has not caused me any side effect except the normal bleeding problems when breaking the skin. It took another 2 months to get rid of the cough. I do now have late set asthma which is new for me. I am 71.

Michaelmckindles 22 July 2017

Had a stent in early July, and was then told to take Brilinta. After taking the drug for about a week I started having extreme shortness of breath, but my cardiologist recommended that I try to stay on it. A week later I wound up in the ER, and after verification that there were no blood clots the cardiologist switched me to a different blood thinner. My breathing has improved a bit, but I am still having breathing difficulties. This has been a very discouraging situation, as before the stent I was very active and exercised daily. I now am very limited in my activity level, but am hoping that in time I will get better. My question, does anyone have any insights as to how long it might take me to recover from this awful drug, as I am concerned that this drug has harmed me permanently?

Tj4249 26 July 2017

On Brilinita for 7 weeks experienced breathing issues from day 1 but was urged to continue. Switched to Effient but shortness of breath continues. My symtoms have moderated but are still there. Very frustrating!! How long after stopping do the side effects dissipate? This drug may be effective but the costs are high.

markymark21 14 Dec 2017

i was given brilinta last month and could not breathe right away . he put in 3 stents and sid i needed to keep taking. doctor said to keep trying to work through it. i just stopped taking it. breathing is better and i feel good. the cost is so high also. i think i will be well without it or him. canceled my upcoming appt and just take asprin now, fell very good

vkm75 1 Jan 2018

Hi All - I had three (3) stents put in about 8 weeks back, and was put on Brillinta. My shortness of breath seemed to have subsided (not completely gone) during week 3, but returned shortly thereafter and worsened over time. Had bloodwork, EKG, and a chest x-ray to ensure that my heart was ok. Cardiologist put me on Plavix three days ago, but shortness of breath still continues. Does anyone know how long it takes for the shortness of breath from Brillinta to go away, if it is in fact due to Brillinta? Thanks for any guidance.

larth10 5 Jan 2018

I had a 99% blockage and had a stent put in July 2017. I am on Brilinta as well as a baby aspirin and do experience shortness of breath. It's rather disconcerting trying to determine if it's my heart doing funny things vs side effect. My cardiologist told me this is normal. To the person who stopped taking it, I urge you to reconsider and speak to your cardiologist. My sister is a nurse practioner and works for a cardiologist for over 20 years... she is very knowledgeable about cardiac issues and she has told me more than once DO NOT miss a dose. You could be putting yourself in a position for a heart attack.

cmcgavisk 26 Feb 2018

After reading some of these comments, I have to respond. First, if you have a stent(s), you MUST take a blood thinner or you will die. The stent will close off without them. DO NOT JUST STOP TAKING IT! I know it's expensive, but there are coupons available so look them up. Second, Effient does not have the same shortness of breath issue as Brilinta. If you switched to Effient and you are still having shortness of breath, then get a second opinion on your treatment. One guy commented that his doc doesn't understand why they started using these new ones over Plavix. The reason is that they have scientific evidence that the two new ones reduce your chances of dying from another heart attack. They simply work better than Plavix. Also, 1 out of 5 people are resistant to Plavix, so, if that's you, you'll die. Do some research on your own folks. And stop eating flour/sugar/carbs too. That's what put you in this position in the first place.

kanuck66 11 April 2018

I came off of Brilinta, Ticagrelor 3rd week of March after just over a year of suffering with severe shortness of breath. was so bac when mowing the lawn last year, I could only mow 1x strip and had to stop and catch my breath.
It took about 1.5 weeks after I came off... then I noticed... hey, I have been going up and down stairs with out any shortness of breath? So it DOES goe away... OMG what a difference! Been off that nasty drug for a couple of weeks now and feeling SOOOO much better. I can breath, no more itching... I'm healed!! Finally! Now back to working on my Cardio... need to build my endurance back. So Brilinta, Ticagrelor, BAD!!! Stay away if you can!

JackieAllenR 14 Oct 2018

I was on clopidogrel after having open heart surgery in June/July, 1 graft failed and caused another heart attack, where they placed two stents where one graft had originally blocked a buildup. So then they put me on Brilinta (this was on Tuesday, it caused shortness of breath and panting. It was getting worse. I decided I would rather have a heart attack then bleed to death or not be able to breathe. This IS a dangerous drug and doctors I believe are getting some incentive to push it on patients. Starting tomorrow I'm going back on clopidogrel and pray the breathing issue stops QUICKLY.

DariusMcSean 13 Nov 2018

Plavix is inefficacious (not useful or has diminished effectiveness in up to 30% of patients. Multiple studies have shown it may not be properly metabolized. Doctors will NOT inform you of BLACK BOX warning. free discount card

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