I have been dealing with depression off and on for about ten years now. In the last six months it has become worse. The last two months have been pure hell to say the least. I went through a bad break up, have had five family members and friends pass and three good friends now all with stage four cancer. My depression is like never before! I drink daily, do not shower, miss work and all I think about is death! I have stocked up on sleeping pills, I bought Sodium Nitrate off Amazon as I read that it is a way to do yourself in as well. I have been going to my VA Hospital for three months now and they have not been any help at all. I see a therapist once a week and I sit there and cry the entire time. I cannot function on a day-to-day basis at all. I will just break down for no reason at all and loose it. The VA wants to start ketamine treatments on me if they ever get the paperwork done! I know I need to do something before I do any self-harm but after reading post on here, I am not sure if this is the right treatment or not? Please any feedback from anyone out there dealing with the same thing and any advice someone can offer I am open to listening.