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Lexapro Questions

Displaying 623 questions associated with Lexapro.

Lexapro withdrawal symptoms?

I've been having severe withdrawal symptoms after my doctor made me ween off of Lexapro recently. These symptoms are severe restless leg syndrome all throughout the day, being jittery, uneasiness, and being overall restless. I'm also sleeping a lot less, waking up during the night, and... read more

Has anyone used Lexapro for anxiety and gained weight?

I am prescribed to take lexapro but after reading MANY reviews I see that they all involve serious weight gain. I was wondering if anyone who uses this for anxiety purposes or other have this problem? Paxil and weight gain?

How long does it take for Lexapro to be totally out of your system and feel normal again?

Help! Help! Help! Help! I took Lexapro 10mg for 2 days and had to stop it because I was having suicidal thoughts, not eating or drinking, horrible dreams, very tense, everything I thought about gave me a panic attack. I was only taking it to prevent panic attacks. I have never been depressed. I... read more

SSRIs vs SNRIs - What's the difference between them?

Why does Lexapro cause weight gain?

How to minimize Lexapro withdrawal symptoms?

It seems that most of the Q's are similar... Here's my story, I've been on Lexapro for anxiety for almost 3 years (with continually telling my Dr to get me off of it!) I've gained over 40lbs, which Dr said was not contributed to the Lex, just that I ate too much/exercised too... read more

How long until Lexapro starts to make me feel better?

I just started on Lexapro 5 days ago. The doctor prescribed 10mg but told me to break it in half and take 5mg for the first week. She told me I could take it in the morning, but that it might make me feel tired and if it did I could just take it at night. So I actually just began by taking it at... read more

When is the best time to take Lexapro?

How long does it take for Lexapro to work?

Was on 25 mg lexapro but came down to 20mgs?

I was on 25 mgs of lexapro but did not tolerate to well after 2 weeks so I went back down to 20mg but started having some problems like nervous and feeling lousy. Just wondering after staying at 20 mgs will my body adjust again. Just wondering

Has anyone tried the generic escitalopram (Lexapro) now available?

I started taking the generic manufactured by Mylan and had severe headaches. Had to stop. Has anyone else experienced this?

What is the difference between Celexa and Lexapro?

Lexapro vs Zoloft: How do they compare?

Developed Tinnitus After 3 Weeks on Lexapro. Will This Go Away? What Should I Do?

I started taking Lexapro 4 weeks ago. Everything went fine until the third week when i developed tinnitus. At first I didn`t worry about it because it`s a rare but known side effect of the drug and i thought it would go away soon. Then it got worse. It got to a volume thats keeping me awake at... read more

Does Lexapro cause night sweats?

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