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How long for venlafaxine to help and how are side effects l?

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Anyone taking Wellbutrin XL & 5 mg Trintellix? What has been your experience with this combination?

I have been on Wellbutrin XL and buspirone 20 mg for 20 years. I seems to be not working as well as it use to. Psych has evaluated me and has started me on 5 mg Trintellix along with Wellbutrin XL and reduced my buspirone to 10 mg. I hope I don't have any issues with this combination.

Elevated pulse after stopping carvedilol?

I was on 6.5 carvedilol once a day for 3 months. Doctor took me off because of side-effects. I've been off for 1 week and my resting pulse is in the upper 80's. Should I be concerned?

Has anyone experienced numbness and tingling in lower legs (shin area) while taking Wellbutrin?

I am on week 4 of 150mg bupropion HCL Extended Release for anxiety and having random numbness,tingling and weak feeling in my shin area of legs. Has anyone else experienced this?

Duloxetine - Five weeks off duloxetine then on again?

I’ve been on 20mg for a couple years for generalized anxiety. It worked well so I went off it cold turkey and had no withdrawal symptoms. I didn’t take it for five weeks until I had a wellness checkup and mentioned body pain. My PCP and I decided to go back on it to relieve the pain and...

Treatment for community acquired pneumonia for children?

Lithem and trazodone ling term effects?

What are the chances that someone who was prescribed lithe and trazodone at the same time and started hallucinating - but didn’t tell anyone for almost a month will stop hallucinating? Or how long before they will?

Can I drink wine on a regular basis while taking this medication?

While taking Kevzara

Nausea from Ozempic and glucose is still too high?

When will this nausea end and my glucose begin to come down ? This is my second week taking Ozempic. My glucose has not been below 260.

Does Arnuity work better than Trelegy?

Will Arnuity possibly cause same symptoms= Took Symbicort and within few days developed totally blocked ear. Wonder about Trelegy also. Arnuity or Trelegy, which helps extreme breathing? Taking Anoro now with little help.

Rinvoq and urinary pressure/frequency?

Has anyone experienced bladder irritation and or urinary frequency on Rinvoq? I’ve tried to take Rinvoq twice now and after about 4-6 weeks I start having to pee every 30 minutes and feel tons of bladder pressure about 10 minutes after I go just like I have to pee again. It feels like a UTI...

What are the long term complications of taking Methocarbamol?

I have been taking Methocarbamol for years. What should I be aware of after taking this drug?

Best pain medicine to take for severe pain that works with pregabalin?

I have been prescribed Tylenol 3 for pain ( bone on bone severe arthritis in both wrists, both shoulders, both feet have advanced arthritis & my back), twice a day. I take pregabalin for nerve damage (accidental cutting of nerve during back surgery causing dead nerves in one leg from knee to...

Was on 25 mg lexapro but came down to 20mgs?

I was on 25 mgs of lexapro but did not tolerate to well after 2 weeks so I went back down to 20mg but started having some problems like nervous and feeling lousy. Just wondering after staying at 20 mgs will my body adjust again. Just wondering